Timex Corp. Case Study Help and Solution

Timex Corp. Did a Case Study on the Lack of Content in Its Gear Shift Program

Recently, Timex Corp. completed a Case Study on the lack of content in its “Gear Shift” program. Their solution is a case study on the potential for helping patients that are blind with very limited vision. This allows them to fill a need. Their product was designed to help visually impaired people who find it difficult to do everyday tasks.

The Gear Shift program helps with everyday things like walking or running. It does not provide specialized assistance. For those that are visually impaired, this means they cannot do most of the things they normally would. They can not rely on their ability to see. The technology has been around for a while, but until recently, this type of product did not exist.

Before the Case Study on the lack of content was completed, independent studies were done on the importance of visual aids. The manufacturers and other clients HBS Case Studies Help stated that the solution would be beneficial to the blind. As the customer base grew, more customers requested these products as well.

The Case Study on the lack of content includes quotes from some of the major customers of the product, giving their opinions and feedback on the product. Two areas were very important to the company; convenience and safety.

The vast majority of the system was designed for safety. The client’s expressed the need for something that is easy to use. Timex Corp. worked hard to make sure the product had a lower risk of falling when used with the swing arm of the product.

When Timex Corp. completed the Case Study on the lack of content, the first thing they did was create an outline of the solution. They did a survey with customers who purchased the product to determine what they liked about the solution. They learned that they wanted to use the equipment without a guide.

The Case Study on the lack of content said that customers preferred this feature. Customers were able to get around by themselves. They could move through the environment safely. The user was able to make their own decisions.

Cases that were handled with respect were also high on customers’ list. They were able to navigate the environment with safety in mind. The user’s respect for the client was necessary.

The other aspect of customer service that customers appreciated was the fact that they could contact customer service. Many of the clients said they had concerns and needed assistance. Timex Corp. recognized this need and started a service department to handle the calls. This allowed customers to remain satisfied with the product.

Most clients were extremely happy with the product. They did not mind the design or any of the extras. They were satisfied with the ease of use and the ability to move with confidence.

The Case Study on the lack of content also identified the weakness of the product. They were not complete with respect to accessibility. There were limitations on where you could go. Some clients wanted a home setting for their equipment.

When customers were unable to use the equipment where they wanted to, there were not suitable solutions available. The Solution came in a home setting, allowing clients to use it safely. The other areas of the Case Study on the lack of content focused on specific areas of the product.